Saturday, May 25, 2013

Jeff Becomes a Priest

On April 6, 2010, I met a young man named Jeff after a night of praise and worship at Franciscan.

Click here to read the blog post about when I met him.

Today, he is being ordained a priest. That's so glorious! He is going to be an AMAZING priest! I ask that you pray for him in his new ministry.

Countdown to going back to Romania: 15 days.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I promised myself that I'd always be brutally honest on here, so, here goes.

One week ago today, I relapsed. I cut myself for the first time after 17 months and 1 day of not cutting. There are about 10 things that lead to it that I'd rather not get into the details of, but I can tell you that it was bad. I cut myself 6 times in 5 days. It sucks to see the cuts on my legs and my arm, but they're healing, as is my heart. My heart has taken a huge beating over the last couple months, especially the last month. Last Wednesday, I'd finally just had enough.

I told Fr. Rick and he's been really supportive in helping me pick myself back up. I texted Fr. Greg, but got no response. I'm not sure right now that I could handle his response. I hate that I've let him down. I hate that I've let God down. I haven't gotten up the strength to go to Confession yet, but I'll get there soon.

I ask that you keep me in your prayers. I'm doing the best I can to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart. It's a process that's taking time.

I leave for 6 months in Romania in a mere 18 days. I'm praying I can get it together between now and then.

Today has been a good day and I'm determined that tonight be good too. You know, depression and addiction recovery SUCK about 99% of the time, but then you get a little break, like I got today, where God help you carry your cross and He lets you know that you really are gonna be okay.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." -Psalm 147:3